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21 March 2003 

Praise for the limited casualties to date in the Iraq conflict (it's not a war until the term is officially used by the U.S. Congress or the British Parliament in a declaration ... Remember the Korean Conflict?). Why the Lord allows strife such as this is not for us to know, but I believe that we can thank Him for making it as bloodless as it has been. Of course, I still pray for the innocent and the just.

Looks like this blog is turning into a prayer line, huh? I've noticed that trend, too. I'll make no apologies for being Christian. And I won't hide it, either. But I as freely admit to being human. This means that I give into the frailty known as procrastination. Prayer does not come easily. Perhaps because I don't feel that good at it. Well, maybe I am. Only God can judge that. I just wish I was more fluid and eloquent ... or just more lucid.

Keeping focus on one thought in my head is difficult. Then there are the voices. One voice, really, but people more readily understand the plural. Without my conscious permission (or volition, if you prefer), a voice in my head frequently takes me off track. For example, when I'm trying to be "good" a seemingly random "bad" thought will pop up. Like when I'm praying, a lustful or hateful thought appears.

At first I thought nothing of it. It was just my brain being more inwardly A-D-D than outwardly A-D-D. Then I began to believe it was an active oppression from a source a bit more diabolical ('nuff said ... attention only attracts them). While this idea is still on the stove, it's taken a back burner. To what, I don't know. I just wish it would stop.

I say "wish" because it is hard for me to pray for anything for myself. My corporeal life is selfish enough. My spirtual life doesn't need to be so tempted. My Bible study buddy tells me that it is okay to ask for "things" for one self in prayer. Lately I've limited it to asking for guidance, wisdom, and sometimes strength. Those are safe. When my daughter was dying I actually asked for signs and portents.

That was a bit silly, I think. What Our Father wants me to know He'll tell me (BTW ladies, I don't intend to be sexist by assigning a gender to the Lord. I simply follow convention ... a convention that is many millenia-old). And God does talk to me, but in my perception not outwardly. In the last year or so I've given up on believing in luck or coincidence aimed at me. Each instance I could label as such is carefully crafted by God for me ... or not. Just as likely His will is sometimes simply directionless coincidence or the by-product of someone elses directed "fortune."

Providence, as such, was once given to people by the minor gods in payment for recognition. To the old hosts, recognition equals strength and is this not needed by the Host of Hosts. His intercession either directly or by more subtle means is a gift of His love.

Pray that His love extends to all of us in this time of man-made folly, more especially the ones endangering the innocent and the just as they have the greater need. Peace & Prayers.

About me

  • I'm CC Hunt
  • From Between UNH & USM of late., United States
  • Romans 7:15 in some fashion or other defines it all, be it my career, loves, family, or whatever.
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