I'm listening to a video (and kinda watching it) called Hell's Best Kept Secret from Living Waters. Its making many really great points, but here's the best one:
If we preach the gospel as a means to simply improve someone's life it probably won't be effective. But if we teach the gospel as a means to salvation after death with the side benefit of improving your current life the success rate will dramatically improve. If we combine that approach with showing people how they've sinned and proving that Christ died for our sin (a point made earlier in the video) the results are even better.
Check it out for yourself by clicking here. You can also read the text, but the video has some great street preaching edited in to illustrate many of the points. The way this teaching runs through the 10 Commandments prove me to be a sinner. Praise be to God that I've been saved. I really do recommend that you check into this as there is just way too much to put here. Just watch the video all the way to it's end as there is a reward other than salvation (as if we need another one).
The rest of the Website it pretty cool, too. I will admit, though, that the newsletter that shows up in my e-mail box usually just gets a cursory glance. Every now and then something really grabs me so it is worthwhile. Peace & Prayers