Why hadn't I thought of this band for a Song of the Day before now? The U.K.'s Serious Kitchen makes some fabulous modern Celtic music.
Right now I'm listening to "In the Kitchen," "Ruaridh's Woolibutt," and "Hennessey's Gathering." While these tracks have all the flavor of the Celtic genre they are very unique. Clearly the artists love their heritage but it's also evident that they have a very cosmopolitan outlook. The music of Serious Kitchen and similar artists make a great soundtrack for when I bomb down back roads locally or hit the by-ways in the less developed parts of New England.
Of course, I've always loved bagpipes. My then-wife and I were at the local Renaissance Fair one day when, with a luscious roast turkey leg in one hand and an ice cold Mountain Dew in the other, I commented: "The only thing that can make the moment better is some bagpipe music." Lo and behold, a man with the traditional dress and a beautiful set of pipes wandered by belting out "Scotland the Brave." I often imagine that Heaven is like that. ABCNews anchor Peter Jennings commented serveral times during former president Ronald Reagan's funeral that "Amazing Grace" is best played on a bagpipe, a sentiment I whole heartedly agree with.