What's wrong with this headline from an MSNBC article?
Does this mean that the implants are firmer or that a firm is stating this?
By the way, I sent a post from work today, but I guess it didn't stick. It was about the passing of Vaughn Meader, the singer-turned-comedian whose dead-on (pun intended) impersonation of then President John F. Kennedy rocketed him to fame with a Grammy-award winning album.
Go buy the CD (or the vinyl, if you can find it). Even if you don't get the time/event-related material, you'll still burst out laughing.Even the president was said to be amused, picking up 100 copies of the album to give as Christmas gifts. He once opened a Democratic National Committee dinner by telling delegates: "Vaughn Meader was busy tonight, so I came myself."(ABC News)