Hey, Luuucy! 'Splain this to me! A few moons ago a well known shaving razor company sent a sample of their triple-bladed refillable-handle razor. The blades were very good and lasted an incredibly long time, so after shaving off my whole beard I thought I would splurge and get a refill pack -- Eight refills on sale for $10.49 + tax. Two hooks below I saw eight disposable razors of the exact same type from the same company for $2.00 less -- not on sale.
And 'splain this, too! Why doesn't the FX network show episodes for Buffy the Vampire Slayer in order? Their back-to-back episodes this morning just jumped from season 1 to season 3. Must be that they wanted to show the Thanksgiving episode. It's really funny. I can't think of too many episodes that weren't really well written.
Here's some things about Star Wars Episode IV that need some 'splaining:
- The cycle chase on Endor seems far less realistic on the new DVD than it did on any previous version. Could they have sharpened it up too much?
- If the rebels that landed on Endor to shut down the shield generator are trying for stealth by dressing in camouflage, then why did they bring a bright, metallic gold droid with them?
- If the film is so well remastered, how come the coloration between shots seems to vary?
And Star Wars Episode V needs a couple things 'splained:
- It looked like Han Solo's hands were bound when he was put into the carbon freezing chamber. Why were they unbound when his carbonite chamber was removed?
- How come the Imperial Walkers were easy to blow up once they were down but were invincible to blasters when upright?
One last thing to be 'splained for now. Why does the antiseptic liquid bandage New-Skin have to hurt so much?