Fun While It Lasted
The latest experiment in dating seems to be over after about two weeks. Par for the course, I'd say. Maybe we'll get back together again, perhaps with the original intent of something a bit more than camaraderie and something a bit less than it was working out to be.
Not for lack of trying (and a gentleman won't say on whose part), mind you. It just didn't work out. Maybe it was God or the meds I'm on, but that wasn't the point anyway. The simple intimacy of holding hands, little kisses, and caring caresses were enough for me. For these things I will always be grateful and have fond memories. And I will miss them. Perhaps I should be sadder. Between my meds, and God, and the hope that we can be together again I'm pretty mellow.
What makes me sad, though, is that we didn't get to talk about her salvation. The kid in me was enjoying the candy store a bit too much to think about important things. I had a prime chance to be a servant of God and I became a patron of selfishness.