National Public Radio aired a story this morning about California’s gay marriage ban in which it quoted Judge Richard Kramer as saying there was “no rational purpose” to deny same-sex marriages as he ruled the ban unconstitutional. From a position of simple logic, yes, he is correct in his statement. But no nation is founded on rationality. Rather, people come together to build a community consistent with their common core beliefs, ideals, and aspirations. For the United States, this is a nation founded by those with a deep and abiding belief in Judeo-Christian values. The Declaration of Independence makes this abundantly clear as it begins “… and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them …”
This tradition under which our nation was founded holds that marriage is the union of a man and a woman, not a union of same-sex couples and I stand by that. I would also like to point out that I am not comfortable with what the Bible says about homosexual relations (Romans 1:26-27, for example) and I do believe that it is possible for two people to have a true, loving relationship regardless of their sexual orientation, but if we are citing the law we must first obey God’s law, the canon that is the basis for our manmade laws.