Back to the Blues
Somehow I wandered a cross another winning cap in the Pepsi-iTunes give away and thought it wouldn’t hurt to enter the code despite the contest being over. Lo and Behold! It worked. After a co-worker returned my Blue Man Group DVD I was in the mood for more of their singular style, so I downloaded “Exhibit 13 - Mandelbrot, No. 4 (Hidden Track).” It would almost have been worth just downloading the whole album as to this point I’ve collected almost half the tracks from The Complex. More so since I spent another portion of my gift card balance to download “Sing Along” (featuring Dave Matthews) from the same album. These are not the high energy tracks that I usually favor when it comes to Electronica, but they are great pieces nonetheless. I’m not sure if they would be as good without the unusual instruments the band employs – modified PVC tubing, whip sticks, and anything else they can smash, bash, or crash.