- The wave formed (pun intended) by the dates in the archive column on this page. Naturally occurring patterns have to be the best. That's why I love flowers (that's one the "interests" in my profile, if you haven't noticed).
Check out the patterns!
- Music with a geometric beat. No real good way to explain that, I guess. I just happen to "see" music at times. These recent acquisitions are good examples:
- "Fantasy" by Aldo Nova
- "Right Place, Wrong Time" by Dr. John
- "Like a Feather" by Nikka Costa
- "Yankee Rose" by David Lee Roth
- "Where the Streets Have No Name" (a U2 cover) by Chris Tomlin
- Don't ask me why, but lately I've been fascinated with hair. Mine is growing shaggy and it's now longer than ever. Nothing special in the mornings - just rub it almost dry, put in a little conditioner, and walk out of the bathroom. The curls I've hated all my life take over and it looks pretty decent. A woman I went out with recently has beautiful, multi-tonal hair (blondish, darkish, white, and grayish). One of many good features, to be sure, but the first thing that attracted me to her. And two women I work with have hair well past their shoulder blades. Most men would stare at the front. I stare at the back.
- Creativity. I just wish I had more of it. I'm more of an editor than an original thinker. Sadly, my original thoughts usually come to me when I'm driving or in the shower. Check out this other blogger's site for a creative idea I could have done. Just don't tell Google.

Wallace & Gromit have an upcoming movie!
*Keep checking this particular post. I'll be updating it. Or not. Hey, it's
my site.