Honestly, don't people have better things to do?
Yahoo! Photos featured this picture at left and the first thing that caught my eye was not the colorful mask, but the mobile phone. And it struck me, "here's this guy during some important cultural celebration -- one with Christian overtones if the Cross is any indication -- and he's checking his txt msgs or something!" Now if it had been a camera phone I could almost understand. Some of them are getting to be decent enough quality that they are almost worth using. But this is not a camera phone.
Sure, it might be a way that everyone in the parade (or whatever) can coordinate their activities, but it still strikes me as rather intrusive. Keep in mind my techno-usage goes back to the bag phone powered by camcorder batteries for a whopping 30 minutes talk-time so I'm not too old to appreciate the utility. But I'm old enough to miss the charm of a less connected era. If I didn't work for the nation's largest mobile phone company I'd probably not have such connectivity.