Not Easy Being Husky
When it comes to T-shirts, they have to be something rather unique or simply plain. For example, when I visited St. Louis, MO I was prepared to leave town without the traditional vacation T-shirt until I saw that TV station KDKA offered shirts with their logo. Now how many tourists managed to get one of those that year?Promotional shirts are are in my collection, though. After all, why should I pay someone for a shirt that advertises their business? They should pay me. The shirt has to be truly out of the ordinary or substantially cool to be an exception. My favorite of these is my Del's Service Center shirt from Eliot, ME. My brother Dana used to work there and gave me a couple of the shirts the mechanics wore. That was about 15 years ago. Since then Dana has given me several shirts from his own garage. Wearing one of them got me a nice price on a tire rim as the dealer thought I worked for the garage.
Okay, I wear some crass, commercial T-shirts from my employer. Mostly because they are sold to us very cheaply and it is sort of a fashion thing at work. I don't wear them on my days off.Lifehacker had a news story yesterday about a cool shirt idea from Snap Shirts. Their software analyzes a book or your Web log for content and creates a word cloud (pictured at left) which is then transferred to a shirt. Now that's a cool idea. The cost is about typical for custom shirts from the Web, but also like most they don't come in real-man sizes -- XXXL. Oh, well. I would have spent the money, but husky is not in fashion.