An Appreciation of Arlen Specter (again)
Senator Arlen Specter is a good man. I've said so before and I'm proud to say so again. Consider this Yahoo! News story, "Specter to Shepherd Bills Through Senate" -
"A vocal Republican critic of the Bush administration's eavesdropping program will preside over Senate efforts to write the program into law, but he was pessimistic Wednesday that the White House wanted to listen.The senator's record is filled with many such challenges to convention, firmly rooted in sound moral principles. He's a good man. We need more people like him in government.
'They want to do just as they please, for as long as they can get away with it,' Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said in an interview with The Associated Press. 'I think what is going on now without congressional intervention or judicial intervention is just plain wrong.'
Specter was one of the first Republicans to publicly question the National Security Agency's authority to monitor international calls Â? when one party is inside the United States Â? without first getting court approval. Under the program first disclosed last year, the NSA has been conducting the surveillance when calls and e-mails are thought to involve al-Qaida."