It's Been Awhile ....
I haven't been updating my other blog, Ergo Deus, much now that Bible study is on hiatus, but for the theologically-minded, it's worth a peek now and then.Poking around the Web the other day I happened upon some more body art pics, Nothing super spectacular, but this was a nice one. There were elephants, but no tigers or bears (oh! my!). Someone out there has got talent. Hopefully the artist that is going to do my buddy Frank's tattoo is talented. Work was slow yesterday and all of us were comparing tats. It's been a while since I got mine but I'd like to get it updated. Oddly, I don't have a picture of it anywhere. Hmmm.
The Left Behind series of books has been finished and shelved for awhile and I've been reading just about everything I can, but it looks like another series has started. The third book is going to be released 06-06-06. Hmmm ... there's a date that might live in infamy. Oddly, this looks like a rewrite of the first series. I'm out of books at the moment. Maybe I'll pop down to the bookstore and see what this new series is like.