Where've you been?
Well, aside from a couple days in the hospital, I've spent most of my online time in Second Life (SL). Look at the pic and you'll see why ...Kala, on the left is a neighbor in SL. Really she lives in Florida. She tells me she really looks like this. Okay, I believe her but in SL you can look like what you want ... even animals. Usually, I'm orange with wild hair.
Selene, on the right, is an entertainer/model I met. She popped by The Sanctuary (that's what I call my plot of land) one day and spent an hour or so swimming and sunning with Kala and me. In this view, I'm floating in a tube and they sat on the edges. I built an awesome pond surrounded by trees, filled with critters, a decadent Roman-style spa, and more. Kala is furnishing a house she bought and put on another plot of land that I have
So I spend a lot of time there and exploring the world of SL. Last night someone told me about skydiving. Gotta try that. Really, I haven't scratched the surface. So far I've been out an a sailboat (with Kala, who is becoming a main-squeeze), cliff dived off a waterfall, swam with octopi, mini-golfed, been sandwich danced (and that's all the detail you are getting), danced like I knew how, built houses by hand along with furniture, and more. The addiction may wear off, but I still plan to spend a lot of time in my home with Kala (good friends so far --- she thinks I'm handsome) and in my pond as well as exploring.