"Turkey sent a vanguard of commando troops into northern Iraq overnight in a move that courts U.S. anger and risks confrontation with local Kurdish authorities" (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&ncid=578&e=3&cid=578&u=/nm/20030322/ts_nm/iraq_turkey_dc).
Wait a minute ... 'splain this to me, Lucy. It's OK for the United States to enter Iraq with arms on the grounds of ensuring American national security. It's not OK for Turkey to do the same thing despite known territorial incursions by Iraqi Kurds?
Am I dense or is there an unfair dichotomy here. Maybe it's the voice in my head. No ... now I remember. The failure of the United States to follow through on it's promise to aid the Kurds in after the 1991 conflict (that wasn't a war, either) led the latter group to violate Turkey's soveriegnty. Cripes ... no wonder the Turks aren't happy. Hey! Foreign policy happens. And comes back to bite you on the esel.
Peace & Prayers.