8th Commandment Issue!
One of my co-workers said that his recreation tonight would be to download some movies. When I reminded him that was illegal, he said "It's no worse than music!" To that I replied, "You're right. Both are stealing. And that's an 8th Commandment issue." His next reply surprised me: "Well, we're all going to Hell."
If I had been clever I would have told him "Well, you don't have to. It's a choice." But I'm not clever in live situations. Instead I told him that I wasn't going to Hell. Another co-worker agreed and we all went back to work.
I'm not sure how I'd approach this guy about his faith. He's a very negative person, fond of foul language and lechery. Mostly I just mumble to his comments or say something non-committal that's instantly forgettable. Not that I want to see him -- or anyone -- go to Hell, but it seems that his heart is already hardened.
Of course I face two choices in any situation involving sharing the gospel: I could not share and increase the chances of someone going to Hell or I could share and decrease their chances. Funny, but when I started writing that sentence I intended to state "If I share the gospel poorly I could turn off someone all together or ...." Wonder what -- or who -- told my fingers to type something else? Or do I have to wonder? Thank you, Lord! That's a big help in overcoming my procrastination.