Yahoo! News - Cat Stevens Calls U.S. Deportation 'Ridiculous': "UK Muslim leaders were outraged. 'The United States is shutting down its house, building walls around itself,' said Anas Altikriti, spokesman for the Muslim Association of Britain."
This makes me wonder if the the term "double-standard" translates into Arabic. America is hated or at least disliked throughout the Muslim world because we want people to have a choice. Fine. Let them make their own decisions. But they complain when the United States wants to have the same right to make choices? When our troops were in Saudi Arabia to help defend them from Iraqi troops in Kuwait they were told to hide any Christian symbols such as crosses on necklaces or Stars of David and other Jewish symbols. Why can't the United States do the same thing?
Aside from the fact that it's wrong, of course. Freedom is defined as being able to do anything you want so long as it doesn't harm another or the community. What the Muslim leaders in the news story above have defined, however, is "double-standard."