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02 November 2004 

By the way ...

... if you haven't seen it yet, look at the Blog the Vote page.

... Peter Jennings of ABCNews is trying hard to be non-partisan. His necktie is a nice blue stripe - red stripe tie. I've always admired his fashion-sense.

... I'm fairly happy but not at all surprised that Barack Obama, Democratic candidate in Illinois, is the projected winner. Alan Keyes is a heck of a guy, but I'm not sure the average African-American can relate to him any better than can the average Anglo-American or Euro-American can.

... and as long as folks insist on being called African-American, then will I insist on being called Anglo-American. Honestly, how can someone be proud that they are a certain color? Do they work hard at it?

... the race that Senator Specter is listed as winning is now (10:56pm eastern) tied at 48% each with his opponent having a few thousand more votes. Kerry's lead in PA is shrinking as districts in "the T" report. The northern tier counties combine with the counties that run north/south in the center of the state to form a conservative zone separating the traditionally liberal cities in the west and the east. MSNBC has declared Kerry the winner, but no one else has of yet.

About me

  • I'm CC Hunt
  • From Between UNH & USM of late., United States
  • Romans 7:15 in some fashion or other defines it all, be it my career, loves, family, or whatever.
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