By the way ...
... if you haven't seen it yet, look at the Blog the Vote page.
... Peter Jennings of ABCNews is trying hard to be non-partisan. His necktie is a nice blue stripe - red stripe tie. I've always admired his fashion-sense.
... I'm fairly happy but not at all surprised that Barack Obama, Democratic candidate in Illinois, is the projected winner. Alan Keyes is a heck of a guy, but I'm not sure the average African-American can relate to him any better than can the average Anglo-American or Euro-American can.
... and as long as folks insist on being called African-American, then will I insist on being called Anglo-American. Honestly, how can someone be proud that they are a certain color? Do they work hard at it?
... the race that Senator Specter is listed as winning is now (10:56pm eastern) tied at 48% each with his opponent having a few thousand more votes. Kerry's lead in PA is shrinking as districts in "the T" report. The northern tier counties combine with the counties that run north/south in the center of the state to form a conservative zone separating the traditionally liberal cities in the west and the east. MSNBC has declared Kerry the winner, but no one else has of yet.