In a related story, School board OKs challenges to evolution "... sophomore Courtney Lawton said she didn't have a problem learning only about evolution in biology class last year. 'I just think they should keep it the way it is, and they shouldn't add anything about a higher power," said Lawton, 15. "People who believe differently, they might feel like they’re being segregated.'"
This story covers a proposal in a Dover, PA school district to teach "intelligent design" as part of the 9th grade biology curriculum. Some feel that this is just Creationism in a different guise because it teaches "that the universe is so complex that it must have been created by an unspecified higher power."
I'm not sure if this is a wise move. It seems rather underhanded to me. If it walks like an anas platyrhynchos and quacks like an anas platyrhynchos then it's probably a mallard.