Archbishop abducted in Iraq
BBC NEWS: "A Roman Catholic archbishop in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul has been kidnapped by insurgents."
The term "insurgents" makes the terrorists sound like they actually have ambitions to rule Iraq as their goal. Has anyone heard what their goal is? It's to drive out American and coalition troops. After that, what? Nothing. They don't plan to participate. They simply want to cause havoc.
Some claim they are doing this in the name of Allah. I've read most of the old and new Testaments, the Koran, and works from other religions, and I'm pretty certain that God wouldn't like to have people killed in His name. That may have been His style (think Ephramites and Gileadites, Judges 12) at one time, but no more. Not since His Son came to Earth and died for our sins.
These people have clearly made the choice to defy the will of God and I wish them luck -- a poor substitute for the Lord's blessing.