Re-Runs Can Be Great
The last couple seasons of Saturday Night Live have been funnier than those in the preceding half-decade or so, but I just caught a re-run of an episode from October 2002 hosted by John McCain. There were slack moments, but not when the senator from Arizona was on. He's a very funny guy. The sketch with Darrell Hammond impersonating Tim Russert of Meet the Press "interviewing" McCain had me rolling. It was sheer genius in every respect.
What does that mean? That's hard to define because Jessica Simpson is hot, too, just for different reasons. Ms. Dratch is so expressive, especially her face, and genuine. "Real" people are much more of a turn-on than those whose whole existence is simply a varnished representation of humanity. That's why I usually give only a cursory look at the so-called supermodels, like Tyra Banks, Heidi Klum, and Stephanie Seymour (I found these names by searching Wikipedia for list of supermodels ... otherwise I wouldn't have been able to readily think of them on my own.).