Hypocrisy = Government?
Yet another example has surfaced to illustrate why I am increasingly beginning to believe that the word hypocrisy is becoming a synonym for the word government.
White House Won't Comment on Rove, Leak - Yahoo! News: WASHINGTON - For the better part of two years, the word coming out of the Bush White House was that presidential adviser Karl Rove had nothing to do with the leak of a female CIA officer's identity and that whoever did would be fired.Pay special attention to that last paragraph. Suddenly, the rule changes when propitious. I expected better from an administration built around a president that is touted as a man of deep Christian faith. Perhaps the problem lies (no pun intended) in that Rove is a political operative, and politics colors everything. Mr. Bush needs to clear this matter quickly rather than wait for an official investigation that will likely stir up more trouble. As a so-called Lame Duck he doesn't need Rove as much as he did when during his re-election campaign. The political capital that is likely to be squandered in the defensive holding action that has begun would be better spent on the battle to replace Justice O'Connor.
But Bush spokesman Scott McClellan wouldn't repeat those claims Monday in the face of Rove's own lawyer, Robert Luskin, acknowledging the political operative spoke to Matthew Cooper of Time magazine, one of the reporters who disclosed Valerie Plame's name.
McClellan repeatedly said he couldn't comment because the matter is under investigation. When it was pointed out he had commented previously even though the investigation was ongoing, he responded, "I've really said all I'm going to say on it."