Apropos considering our times
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction." - Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662)" (The Quotations Page)
Insurgents Kill Nine in Baghdad Market - Yahoo! News: "BAGHDAD - Sunni-led insurgents killed at least nine people with a car bomb in a crowded vegetable market on Friday, the Muslim day of worship, in the second blast against Shiite civilians in as many days, police said. The death toll rose to nearly 100 from the previous day's attacks in another Shiite town.The quote showed up in my e-mail the same day the story hit the news. Quite apropos, isn't it. However, I take exception to the word "insurgents" as used in the article. A true insurgent has a political goal and generally follow the rules of warfare (as silly as that sounds). Those involved in murdering civilians -- particularly children -- in Iraq and other conflict areas are terrorists, pure and simple. Behavior such as theirs does not merit polite titles and kind references.
Elsewhere, in the southern city of Basra, an Iraqi police convoy was ambushed late Thursday, killing four policemen and wounding one, said police Capt. Mushtaq Khazim."