Look! This is Tuesday's Post!!
Lo and behold, I found something cool: The Door. This magazine, first available in print nearly 35 years ago and then known as The Wittenburg Door, satirizes “something we love – the Church, and more generally people of faith – with the hope that our prodding might generate some course corrections while inducing a laugh or two... or three” (citation).
- Southpark’s Salvation: The Revelation of Kenny
- ARTICLE: The Search for the History Kenny – We’ve “liberated” a page from Spong’s new opus! By Becky Garrison
- ARTICLE: A Letter from Osama – Bin Laden spills it all for you – “The Perils and Virtues of Living by the Sword by Alexander Lombard
- ARTICLE : “It’s a Wonderful Taliban Life” – What if George found Zuzu’s petals in Mazar-e-Sharif? By Skippy R.
- ARTICLE: Why Athiests Don’t Exist – Why should they care” by Doug Fattig
- INTERVIEW: Mark Levin – Keeping an eye on the Army of God – On the Front Lines with Soldiers in the Army of God. By Becky Garrison
- FEATURE: Form Letter from an Internet Church – Next up: dot.communion by Ed L Wier
- FEATURE: Least Popular Christian Self Help Books – How to Sue for Sexual Harassment if You are Touched by an Angel by Becky Garrison
- FEATURE: Religious Home Shopping Catalogues – A sure-fire cure for Post-Yule Depression by Ed L. Wier
- FEATURE: You Know It’s Time to Volunteer to Teach Sunday School When…your child puts her entire allowance in the class offering, then refers to it as “seed money.” By Tamara Jaffe-Notier
- ARTICLE: Plain Brown Computer – And lo, they stored the files on their hard drives, some unknowingly and in violation of local statutes. By Dan Murphy
- FEATURE: Here They Stand: How the Major Strands of Christianity Stack up .. or not, as the case may be. By Ben Johnson
- ARTICLE: The Democratic National Convention Proudly Presents: The Rev. Jesse “Action” Jackson vs. the Rev. Al “The Showstopper” Sharpton, Oh my! By Becky Garrison
- FEATURE: Selections from Mike Murdock’s One Minute Manager’s Bible – Take a deep breath and repeat after us. By James Bowley
- FEATURE: The Ballad of the PTL – Men who laugh and cry and yes; The strange men of the PTL by Ed L. Wier
- ARTICLE: The Ultimate Survivor – Who will be the last moderate to survive at Southern Seminary? By Todd Outcalt
- CARTOONS: “Biblical Budget Cuts” by Jennifer Berman and “Nice Jugs” by Judd

DOOR: What's your take on religion, Hollywood-style?
JACKSON: It seems like they always have a new phase. Like when I first came out here, everyone was into crystals and now it's Kaballah, with New Age was in between. But my dad just gave me a book called, When the World Will Be As One, and it traces New Age back to the garden of Eden when Satan said, “Don't you want to be equal with God?” I think Hollywood and the world in general is searching for the truth. They will not look at Jesus. And there's this huge anger. “Why do they use His name in vain if they don't even believe in Him?” I don't understand why they don't say, “Oh Buddha!” when they hit their finger with a nail. They're desperately searching for meaning in their lives but they will not crack the Bible open. And that proves to me that it's the truth. They're so scared of it. They're so scared that it's gonna convict them or something. It doesn't make your life stop being fun to be a Christian. I think they're afraid to confront the truth so they find all these stupid false religions, false gives them a good feeling or something.

"Perilous times call for bold theology. Let's face it. Evil is running rampant. Terrorists strike without warning. Corporate executives defraud the public and their own employees. Politicians tear apart the fabric of national unity for their own agendas. Popular culture has become a banal river of unadulterated trash, a 'hellmouth' slowly dumbing down our sense of reality. The people are paralyzed by indecision, ennui or terminal cynicism. Meanwhile, the ozone layer is perforated, glaciers are melting, and crazies set wildfires that denude the landscape. While Generation X passes the baton to Generation Y, adolescence is still hell, AND THERE'S ONLY ONE LETTER LEFT! We need someone who can not only deconstruct the problem of evil, but kick it's hiney; someone with a preternatural sense of comic timing and an eye for fashion. We need Buffy."

The editorials – and it might comfort you to hear this – are strictly business when it comes to training a critical eye on our community. After all, Christian values are set in the Bible but interpretations of these are available with a wide variety of flavors that would make Baskin-Robbins jealous. I rather the editorial titled “When did Christians become champions?”:
Does it bother you at all when you see a pampered professional athlete being interviewed after winning a game tell the audience, "I'm just giving the Lord Jesus Christ all the glory". (Isn't that big of him?) How about when some prancing peacock preacher tells you, "God's will for your life is to be a champion."
It makes me think of a child in our community named Shannon. Shannon will never be a champion. Weighing only two or three pounds at her premature birth, with every imaginable health problem, I have often thought that from God's standpoint she is the most important member of our group. She is totally helpless with no hope of ever excelling in anything valued by the world.
But she is a thousand times more important to the kingdom of God than all the champions on earth because she's totally without guile or self-seeking. Shannon teaches us all how to love. Jesus told us that, "whatsoever is highly esteemed among men is an abomination unto God." He always chooses the foolish things to confound the wise and the weak things to confound the mighty.
Let the church aspire to be weak, and the world will stand in awe.

Magazine covers (c) The Trinity Foundation, Inc.
Other links of interest:
- CNN article: "Is 'religious humor' an oxymoron?"
- Ship of Fools, another site for religion from a different perspective
- Lark News: The Door with an edge (?)