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04 September 2005 

Intelligent Design & Evolution

No. 2386 in a series of "In My Humble Opinion" postings.

Intelligent Design, the Right-Wing Christian alternative to the theory of Evolution has two flaws as a scientific idea. The first is that it assumes that no other idea could be correct. If that were to be overcome then the second flaw would defeat it. Intelligent Design (ID) holds that everything was planned in great detail thereby disallowing the idea that Evolution (capitalized in this post only to distinguish the theory from the process) could be part of the design process.

One of the principles of scientific thought that I learned long ago and still hold dear is that theories are ideas that have not been proven but instead are part of a working process. A hypothesis is written to start an investigation that through empirical data can either prove or disprove or show that a conclusion cannot be found without more experimentation or research.

Too many Evolutionists forget this, however, and take it for granted that their pet concept has passed the test and is a law. Even Newton's 'laws' of motion aren't fixed yet as more is learned about how the universe is put together. They were branded 'laws' because for centuries people simply didn't know better. At this time we don't have enough data to show that Evolution does work.

But ID proponents know this and quickly point to gaps in the fossil record without which Evolution needs. Sadly, they use this to completely dismiss Evolution (Hanegraaff, Hank - The Bible Answer Book). This is not good science. The research is not complete and it likely won't be for quite some time. The Second Coming will probably happen before a conclusion is reached.

If the bad science can be bypassed, however, and the theory of Evolution is not completely dismissed, then what is the problem with it being a component of ID? I have watched artists and craftsfolk start a self-running process and walk away as a portion of their total creation is completed without direct intervention. Think of an automated loom weaving a decorative blanket with pre-determined instructions if you can't think of an example. At the risk of committing a 5th Commandment violation, the Lord, I feel, would surely utilize the tools which He has created. Evolution could be one of these tools within Creation.

No, I do not have supporting evidence, but neither do ID advocates. We both depend on the "it stands to reason" argument based solely on observation without trial. This is bad science, too, so let us call it Philosophy and avoid the need for rigorous proofs. That will also make for a healthier debate as the time saved by avoiding legal concerns and personal animosity can be used for further research.

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  • I'm CC Hunt
  • From Between UNH & USM of late., United States
  • Romans 7:15 in some fashion or other defines it all, be it my career, loves, family, or whatever.
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