At a loss for words, again
Once again I really have nothing to write about today. Yesterday's single post really just popped out of nowhere. Today, nothing in particular happened that was noteworthy. I got tires rotated on the Focus and the oil changed. While waiting for that I found myself getting some goodies in the Disney Store. A quick trip to buy some holiday candy at Hershey's Chocolate World followed. Then I wound up watching a couple movies. Other than that, it was just a day.One of the movies was After The Thin Man, from The Thin Man series with William Powell and Myrna Loy. These movies feature some really terrific acting from the leads and even the most minor supporting actors considering most were shot in just a matter or weeks. This one has the distinction of being the only film in which Jimmy Stewart was the villain (sorry for the spoiler). I'm so glad they finally came out with a DVD boxed set. With my VCR not working at its peak breaking out the tapes is something of a pain in the toochis.
Later, Daredevil (2003) showed up on TV and I was rather keen to watch it because I caught some bits the other day that I didn't recall seeing at a first-run theater. I hope they don't spoil this film with a sequel. It is a really good one-off movie. Fine acting all around with some rather good fight sequences. Nice cinematography, too.
Tomorrow I'm going to see if I can tackle some of the leaves around my house and do laundry. Maybe I'll sneak in a couple more of the Thin Man movies or finally get around to watching the Star Wars - Clone Wars DVD that I know Netfilx has sitting in my mailbox. With any luck there will be a cheeseburger tucked in (pun intended) somewhere.