The Best Debate Ever
Watching NBC's The West Wing isn't my usual cup of tea but tonight's 'live' episode caught my eye. So once I got my VCR working again to tape ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition I tuned in and found myself fairly well impressed. Some taped segments opened the show (surprisingly they didn't bracket the closing, too) but after a rather funny American Express commercial with Ellen DeGeneres they kicked in with the live portion.Jimmy Smitts portrays Matt Santos, a Democratic candidate for president, while Alan Alda is Arnold Vinick, the Republican candidate. Nearly three-quarters of the way in I'd have to say "Let's elect Alan Alda." As a radical centrist, I'd also say "Jimmy Smitts for vice-president." The network's 'instapoll' on their Website showed others disagreed when I checked it half-way through the hour. Both 'candidates' made some excellent points, particularly the statements about the economy in Africa and alternatives to gun controls. I'd have to give the edge to the Vinick character, though, as being more in control of his disposition, having a greater command of his talking points, and generally having a better presentation.
I certainly hope that some creative teachers are recording this and developing materials to turn the broadcast into a valuable teaching tool. All the issues discussed were contemporary and relevant and I'm glad they avoided the 'war for oil' discussion until the very end. Putting that in the forefront would have seriously colored any subsequent topics.
Thank you, NBC. That was nicely done. It almost makes up for the Last Comic Standing tragedy.