Technically ...
I suppose that if one goes by the dictionary, any story based on religion is mythology and therefore can be put into the literary bin marked "Fantasy," but this strikes me as going a bit far. The Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins doesn't strike me as the usual Fantasy fare, however. A lot of the story stretched credulity, but not the religious aspects. It was very firmly grounded there.
It heartens me, at least, that iTunes categorizes A. A. Milne's The House at Pooh Corner as a Mystery along with Ian Fleming's James Bond books and Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang.
Go to Yahoo etc. and type in "Pretrib Rapture Diehards" (while noting the hypocrisy in item "1992") and learn of long covered up facts about the popular pretrib rapture view. Also type in "Scholars Weigh My Research" to see how scholars have reacted to the research behind that article. Jon
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:20 PM EST
Thanks. I'll look into that :)
Posted by
CC Hunt |
8:55 PM EST