Am I Doomed, Too?
Now that I've seen a few of the controversial cartoons of the Islamic prophet Muhammad published first by a Dutch newspaper and then nearly a year later by other European papers, I just wonder "Are the protesters coming after me next?"
Okay, I don't pose that seriously, but I can see why they would be upset. Regardless that depictions of "Allah's final prophet" are (vaguely) forbidden by the Qur'an (see 42:11), it is just a matter of simple respect for another's culture that the cartoons should never have been published. I have seen far more offensive renditions of other religious figures, particularly the one I'm most fond of, my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.
But you don't see me burning down buildings over it. Maybe because Christianity doesn't inherently believe -- despite what was done during the Crusades and the Inquisition -- that non-believers should die. On the contrary, Christians want everyone to come to salvation of their own free will. That's the only way it works. Redemption by spear-point doesn't count. That certainly seems contrary to what supposed followers of Islam are demonstrating.
All my life I have believed that Islam, like the two other great religions that sprang from our common ancestor Abraham, is rooted in peace despite a an initially bloody period (again, much like Christianity and Judaism). Yet the impression that a few Muslims are imparting to the world is one of intolerance and hatred.
For your consideration:
Danish Cartoons: Free Press or Hate Speech?