Topical Humor and the Next Election
Some new shirts and goodies from CafePress are really funny (see picture at right). Makes me wish I came across the ideas myself. Sadly, only older folks and political junkies will get the Kennedy reference. But that's the life of political scandals.
Cheney's bad aim isn't a political scandal, though, just a pending footnote in a yet to be written biography or two and some awkward memories for a couple families. So can we drop it now?
But here's a chance for me to ask all those thinking of running for the White House in the next election to not degrade the process and office with tasteless appearances on cheesy television talk shows and late night comedy programs.
Think of it as a jobs program. The fewer appearances are made on such shows the more struggling comedians can work. Sure, that would be just a minor boost to the economy, but it would be a start. More to the point, not repeating last election's escapades might help the public concentrate on important issues and rebuild confidence in government.