Back in the Saddle Again
Another fabulous vacation under my belt, I'm back home to my mold-riddled, cluttered trailer. Actually, this is my 2nd night back. Last night I unpacked a bit, caught up on e-mail and some TiVo'd programs then went to bed. There was less unpacking tonight but I mostly caught up on some e-mail and created a few things for work (my daily routine there includes sending an e-mail with a new word, a quote or comic, and an odd news story).Also tonight, I'm watching the latest delivery from Netflix, A Knight's Tale (2001). This is a wonderful story (well, based on Chaucer, it has to be), with some above average acting, plenty of exciting actions sequences, and a rather unique soundtrack. You have probably heard by now that it features such Rock classics as Queen's "We Will Rock You," BTO's "Takin' Care of Business," and War's "Low Rider."
Another reason to watch is Laura Fraser (at left), as Kate the Farrier. Minor characters can make or break a film and Miss Fraser is an example of the former. Then again, I've got a thing for adorable English women. Especially if they wear pigtails.
It is a really funny movie, to boot. Well worth a rental and if I ever see it for sale cheap I'll buy it.
Now I should be doing laundry or some cleaning, but since I had little or no fun last week I've decided to take it easy. Tomorrow I'll get busy. For now my biggest task will be writing a check for rent.