Mystie the Housekeeper
Never employ a sea otter as domestic help. During my recent trip to Connecticut I engaged a sea otter named Mystie to help take care of my house. She has one duty and that is to keep my bed ship-shape. It shouldn’t be a hard job as on the mattress is just one sheet and I sleep with only a blanket over that. My pillows don’t even have covers. Any otter of her diminutive stature should be able to handle that.Yet when I come home nightly the bed is the same train wreck that I had previously. Sometimes it is worse, what with the abalone and mussel shells lying about from her breakfast and lunch. On the odd occasion or two I’ve had to gather up a leftover crustacean scuttling about. Almost invariably she leaves rocks in the bed. Usually, though, I simply find her snuggled up in my blanket, snoozing away when I get home (see above).
Maybe when she’s an adult she will do a proper job. Until then I’ll have to see if the pandas can lend a hand. It’s not like they’ve anything pressing at this time.