I hope the girls wore lead burkas!
"I formally declare that Iran has joined the club of nuclear countries," he said. The crowd broke into cheers of "Allahu akbar," or "God is great."As part of the ceremony, costumed dancers performed on the stage, holding aloft vials of raw uranium and also chanting "Allahu akbar." Ahmadinejad said the West "has to respect Iran's right for nuclear energy" (source).
Okay, we're going to respect someone that lets other dance with uranium. Right. And give it up for those idiots with a backyard, a video camera, and an urge to recreate the stupid stunts they see on the tele!
Alright, that is a bit facetious. But other than the fact that Iran is filled with people who have avowed to destroy others that don't agree with them and their narrow views, why don't we (i.e., the West) want them to have nuclear weapons? India and Pakistan have them and nary a word was said. North Korea has them and yet we just keep appeasing. Israel has them and they get just a wink, a nod, and a "How's your father?"
No one should have nuclear weapons. Let me make that clear. But who are "we" to dictate what other countries can do with their resources? Isn't America the only country to have used such weapons? Perhaps Iran wants them because they can't get the picture of Slim Picken's riding a bomb down to it's target while whoopin' all the way out of their collective heads. The United States hasn't built a whole lot of trust lately (i.e., the last 50 years).Yet who else is going to stop those avowed to destruction? Not France, the "champion of all the oppressed." They lost the spirit of Lafayette long ago and are slowing turning their flag completely white. Not, the United Kingdom, a good friend who is not friend enough to tell the United States when to shut up. Not China, as any nuclear confrontation is a tragedy they are poised to exploit. Not Russia, either, as she sees profit and a means to protect her borders.
No, someone has to take the moral high ground. Admittedly, the United States could take the lead with considerably more finesse, tact, and competency, but at least we are doing it. If all the world were more like Canada, we wouldn't have these problems, but it isn't and something must be done. If you need a reason why, consider that "a suicide attacker detonated a bomb at a prayer service in southern Pakistan Tuesday, police said, killing at least 41 people including the top leadership of an influential Sunni Muslim religious group" (CNN.com). Muslim on Muslim violence. Conflict just because some people choose to interpret writings that interpret the Koran differently. That would be like having Southern Baptists killing other Baptists.
The need is there, but so is the need to have it done right.