Horsin' Around
A few weeks ago I stopped into TeaZer University in Second Life (SL) for help on setting up a group and using group land. One of the instructors was a "furry" -- someone who uses an animal-appearance avatar (AV). She appeared as a pink-accented tiny unicorn. Absolutely adorable. Figuring she was a very clever builder-programmer, I didn't bother asking if she had bought the AV or not.Then I found out. Yesterday I was poking around at SL Boutique after updating the items in my store when I came across pony avatars that looked just like hers. Naturally, I bought one. Then I added a halo and spectacles (my humaniform AV wears them). When Kala (my online girlfriend) signed on later in the day I "buzzed" her back at the Habitat. It took her a little while to notice it was me, but then she thought I was so adorable. Her first question: "Can I ride you?"
::::heh heh::::Well, it was possible so I took her shopping and bought me a saddle. I can't fly while under saddle, and the weight of a full-size AV is a bit of a strain for even trotting, but it was still fun. So much so, that Kala got her own pony. She also got a halo and we both got unicorn horns for when we aren't feeling so pure, plus apples to munch on. We spent the rest of the day trotting around one of the Second Life Anniversary centers.
Wow ... full-size dinosaurs, historical excavations showing the first editions of SL, art both static and performance. What a wild place. And we had a great time horsin' around. We were always snuggling and playing with the animation effects that came with the ponies. I love spending time with Kala, but she was extra fun last night. Not looking at her superb example of femininity AV took off some pressure and we had a generally good time.
Everyone loves ponies! I got so many compliments and rewards cantering about the 'verse. And I spent time with other ponies "wowing" other residents. It was a blast. I look forward to spending more time in pony-mode, though I'm sure it won't always be fab to do so. I am working on a dragon-themed humaniform AV and I have furries of other types (tigers, etc) that I've yet to use. Other than being orange much of the time, I usually blend in. And that gets dull.
For other excitement I was able to buy two more plots of land (here) near The Sanctuary. Tentatively called Lydia Rose Park, I'm loading it with animals in a tranquil, public park-like setting. I put up a memorial to my daughter this morning, but I already have plans to update it - make it nicer. Tonight I'm going to put in transporters to go from place to place since the lots aren't contiguous.