Iraq Thoughts
This morning, as every morning it seems, the war in Iraq was all over the news. Several thoughts rampaged through my mind, not the least of which is that I should start waking up to music instead of NPR. Or if I must listen to news (as a news junkie, it is a must), then there needs to be more balance. The war isn't the only news, after all.
Another thought struck me when I heard that one of Saddam Hussein's lawyers was brutally murdered: Why are we bothering with these people? With history as my guide, I find it clear that only a tyrannical butcher can maintain order in that forsaken land. Clearly the people are unable to do so themselves, or perhaps unwilling. I lean toward the latter, because as the revolutions in America and France have taught us, the people can make a difference. This sad despair has been long brewing in me, going back to my first pre-war feelings. But pulling out now would be a total waste of American lives. We need a new strategy, but more importantly, we need a people worthy of fighting for. ::::sigh:::: Peace & Prayers