Still Life
Well, it looks like I'm still ignoring my usual online activities as I stay consumed with Second Life. I just formed a partnership (officially boyfriend/girlfriend) with a rather nice woman named Kala. Our goal is companionship at this point, as we explore the SL 'verse. She's having a blast building a homestead for us to share. I'm always fiddling with my pond property and learning to build furniture and structures. It really is a "second life" with lots of possibilities not available to my Real Life (RL).
For example, yesterday I spent an hour or so skydiving. Not something my innate talents or RL health would permit. Kala has her own sailboat. In RL, she's landlocked and wouldn't have that opportunity. Another great benefit of these possibilities is that I meet a diverse range of people. Not that I don't in RL, mind you, but in SL I'm friends with strippers, ministers, Goth-folk, and even "furries." You'd have to see SL to understand the latter.
As mentioned in a previous post, SL is awful darn close to the idea of the Matrix movies, but everyone is in on the secret. I absolutely love to fly and briefly considered getting an airplane or helicopter last night, but figured I can fly without one, what's the point? Besides, Kala has a Ford Mustang repli-car that drives up to 240 SL MPH and can also fly. I can always borrow that (though the first time I took her out the beastie ejected us for unsafe flying).
Visiting other lands is fabulous, too. Last night I found an island that looks like it is going to become a sort of Jurassic Park. There's a 3-story tall bull elephant staring over a waterfall that makes Angel Falls look like a faucet drip. Kala wants me to visit a Gorean town. Apparently, there are many adherents to that culture (based on John Norman's Gor books). From what I've read and heard almost all of it flies in the face of my hard-core Christian beliefs so I'm not sure I'm will go. There's just so much else to do in SL I've got to start making priorities.
Like clearing out my apartment in an ancient Irish castle. I rented a space for a month on a whim (long story) and have had a great time building furniture and decorating, but I never use it and the friends I have that could use it (another long story and this is a family audience) don't need it. Besides, I just built a small English cottage on my pond and I can furnish it as needed. Right now there's a rug inside designed for relaxing and snuggling, but if I ever need a bed, a couch, or even a dining room, I can "take" the rug and "rez" new things. Wish I could do that in RL!
When I get home from work (where I've managed to access Blogger today for some reason though not fully) I'll post more pics. And I promise to get back to Blogging in general 'cause I miss it and my SL profile promises that people can learn about RL me by visiting here. So, on to the next post!