Another visit to the Lost Garden
Finally, Kala visited the Lost Gardens of Apollo with me. This has to be one of the most beautiful places in Second Life or even Real Life I will ever see. We snuggled up as pictured here and had a wonderful, deep, and mature conversation.
Get your mind out of the gutter. Not mature, but grown up. She's a wonderful person and I really enjoy spending time with her. Too bad we will probably never meet.Here's a pic that I forgot to publish the other day: us in front of the castle. She put on a Gorean dress and I donned my Nehru jacket. Closest thing I could find to Medieval wear. I've got to work on skirt alignment. If you look closely, one of the jacket skirts is discombobulated.
But I might not get around to it anytime soon ... I just bought a really nice tux. When I get a pic of me and Kala while wearing it I'll post it here. I even got a tux for Mortimer, my pet mouse.