Ah ... Good Sunday
My neighbor Andy took me to his church today. Very nice service and the Bible school kids put on a presentation. The big benefit (aside from spiritual) was that I was home by the time my usual church started services.
So I had time to watch Ball of Fire (1941) with Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck. Despite being a wonderful film, it was remade as a Danny Kaye semi-musical by the same director (Howard Hawks) just 7 years later as A Song is Born (see also this post). Interestingly, Mary Field played the same character in each film.
Don't assume that because a remake was done that the original was not good. Marvelous characterizations by the supporting cast more than anything else make Ball of Fire an outstanding film in its own right. First class writing and direction follow to make the whole a wonderful package. And thanks to TiVo, I now have copies of both movies. One day I'll have to throw a film party with both. It will be fun to make comparisons.
Later in the day I went on a building spree, making tons of furniture for sale in Second Life. Otherwise, the day was a pleasant blur. I look forward to having Tuesday, my next day off, be the same.