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30 April 2003 

Have you prayed today? While cleaning my living room an urge to pray came over me. No special topic presented itself. No reason seemed evident. I just had this sudden and powerful urge to pray. Do you think God was trying to tell me something? Maybe he was.

Upon reflection ~~~ earlier in the evening I wrestled with lustful thoughts and lost "big time" (thanks for the quote, Mr. Cheney). Yes, I was pinned quickly. Two points for sin. The later rematch was just as quick. Two more points for the opponent. So I guess the "head coach" was talking to me about my loss. But he was comforting and forgiving.

What came about was that I again recognized that I'm human and have physical processes that leap out and make themselves known from time to time. As the comedian Robin Williams recently said in his last HBO concert, "you have a brain in your head and a brain in your penis, but not enough blood for both to use at the same time" (paraphrased). How true it is. With God's help, however, I feel that I just may be able to get the bigger brain to out-vote the smaller brain. Thanks, "Coach," for talking to me there.

It's clear to me that I need to pray more. God does "talk" to me, but not always in a fashion I readily recognize. In an earlier post I menitoned that I don't believe in coincidences anymore (9:19:18 PM March 23, 2003). With more frequent prayer I feel that His messages will be clearer.

Oh ... and I've been reading my Bible more, too. Did you know that you can get the entire book on your handheld computer? I use a Sony running Palm software. Here's one Bible. Here's the one I use.

Peace & Prayers

About me

  • I'm CC Hunt
  • From Between UNH & USM of late., United States
  • Romans 7:15 in some fashion or other defines it all, be it my career, loves, family, or whatever.
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