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12 August 2004 

The BBC reports > California annuls gay marriages: "California's Supreme Court has annulled about 4,000 gay marriages that took place in San Francisco."

Wonder if they looked at Romans 1:27 when they figured out this one?

And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Let's not fall back on the old "Love the sinner; hate the sin" line. That goes without saying. The Bible, like it or not, is very clear on the issue. Many of the gay people I know are some of the kindest and most wonderful people I know. Unfortunately, sex is going to be their downfall.

Which brings us to NJ Gov. McGreevey Resigns Over Homosexual Affair: "New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey, who earlier this year said he opposed gay marriage, announced on Thursday he would resign and admitted to having a homosexual affair." So he's married and he had an affair. That's Commandment Seven. It was homosexual sex which, while not a Commandment-level offense, is against God's will. Now, if he repents and accepts the Lord's forgiveness but no longer partakes in gay sex but still has those feelings ...

Gosh that's a complicated issue. I just wish the Bible had more guidance. It would be too bad to see someone rot in Hell just because they were in love with someone and did what they could to please them. Sure, we can't make an exception. If we did someone else would want an exception. And then someone else would want one. And then .... Well, you see the sin-ergy.

Dante described a Hell that had different rings or levels depending on the sin. Wouldn't it be cool if Heaven had different levels based on "goodness" so we could bring more to the party? Whoa -- bordering on breaking Commandments One and Two with that one.

But interpretation is rampant, it seems. One of my Bible study buddies said that once everyone is in Heaven there is no more marriage, sex, or similar relationships. But the ultra popular Left Behind books by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B. Jenkins discuss the issue several times and led me to believe I'd be reunited with my ex-wife whom I still love and my daughtger. That was something I was going to research today but a pleasant though unexpected nap showed up and then some fine TV watching .... guess I was zonked from all that writing this morning. Maybe I'll stay up late after more TV to look into it. After all, if there's no one special (other than Jesus) to spend eternity with other than everyone I may stop looking (or at least pinning) while I'm here.

On a related note, a crazy idea: We were to wait 2000 years for the second coming. By most all measures it's been that long since the birth of Jesus. What if it's supposed to be 2000 years since the Resurrection? That would be another 33 years since the original assumed date. And if we figure 7 years for the Tribulation then that puts the Rapture (unless you are Catholic) at somewhere around the year 2022 AD. I suppose I can hang out as a single for another 18 years. I'd be 60 and who'd want me anyway? Peace & Prayers! Visualize Whirled Peas!

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  • I'm CC Hunt
  • From Between UNH & USM of late., United States
  • Romans 7:15 in some fashion or other defines it all, be it my career, loves, family, or whatever.
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