So, just how is the Song of the Day picked? It has to have a certain verve, meaning, and special quality. Today's qualifies because it's special quality was it happened to be playing when I thought about doing the SOD. Not that it isn't a great song -- it is -- but all day nothing else struck me as being special. Thus I present "Holy is the Lord" by Chris Tomlin, from the album Here I am to Worship. It's a nice live concert piece with a repeating refrain at the end that reminds me of filling time at a particular church I've attended a few times. They would often drag out songs at the end (and sometimes in the middle) for seemingly no reason. I'm sure that isn't what is going on here. You can tell Mr. Tomlin really moved the crowd. Of course, it's moving not just because of the nature or content of the lyrics. Here's the first verse:
We stand and lift up our handsBut the tune is pretty good and you can hear the audience really getting into it. Sure, there are better songs of this type in my library, but it's great for singing along. This will make a fine addition to the next playlist I plan -- "Living Sprit" all live Christian concert songs.
For the joy of the Lord is our strength
We bow down and worship Him now
How great, how awesome is He
Peace & Prayers!