Ha! I just looked at the last post and the adverts at the top of the page are religiously themed again. Wonder what they'd look like if I wrote on and on and on about . . . nah, not gonna risk it.
Let's see if we can switch it back by talking about the Song of the Day! "Oye Como Va" by Carlos Santana (written by Tito Puente) from the album Santana's Greatest Hits. Listening to this on my way home made me think this has to be one of the greatest Rock songs ever. Driving bass chords pound behind guitar riffs that plaintively wail as if begging to be released. And then they really fly when let loose.
The lyrics lend to the Latin flavor not only because they are in Spanish but they create a rhythm that is definitely not Anglo. Just don't ask me what oye como va -- translated to English as "it hears as it goes" -- means in either language. Maybe I'll ask a native Spaniard I work with.
All I know is that Carlos Santana is a national -- no, an international -- treasure.