Didn't nap nearly as much as I wanted to today, but at least my neighbor got some groceries. I'm still tired from all the busy-ness lately:
Monday - Right after work I went to Lodge and helped enter two men into Freemasonry. Next Monday I have to be the conferring Master for at least one candidate. That means I'd better get on the ball to re-learn the degree work, especially the Charge at Initiation.
Tuesday - After two hours of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the morning I zipped off to get my Star Wars DVD collection and picked up a couple shirts while I was there. I think I snuck in a nap, but the whole day is a blur after getting home from the store. Nothing productive happened, I'm sure, as my month-old dishes are still in the sink and the house is still filthy. The word "Laundry" comes to mind, but there's nothing folded and put away. I'll have to go look in the dryer to see if the house elf left it there.
Wednesday - Another couple hours of Buffy to start the day then off to help set up for the Lodge banquet. This went on until just after Noon. A couple Lodge buddies and I then went to see Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Excellent movie. Could have been a bit faster paced, but otherwise excellent. After the movie I picked up my tux from the dry cleaners, showered and changed, then went off to the banquet. Got home late and thought about blogging but didn't. I just went to bed
Thursday (today) - Two more hours of Buffy. What a great way to start the day! Then I wasted a bunch of time until I took my neighbor out for groceries. When I got back it was another Buffy fest. One episode was the Emmy-nominated "Hush." This was one I hadn't seen before but if it hadn't been for the freshness of it I probably wouldn't have watched it as closely. Not sure what all the hype was about. Afterwards I napped for nearly two hours then wasted even more time. Shortly after the local news started I began this post.
So that's where I've been. Now I've got to look at the draft posts I've saved, look at my laundry, watch The Princess Bride before I have to return in tomorrow, and get cracking on that Charge.