The ol' iPod is gonna fill up quickly if I keep duplicating songs. In this instance "John the Revelator" already lives in my library as an excellent cover from the Blues Brothers 2000 movie soundtrack. But after much consideration I had to pick up the original from Eddie James "Son" House, Jr.
The lyrics may be overly simplistic compared to similar songs but that doesn't diminish their brilliance. This rendition further simplifies the song by being performed acapella and doesn't feature some of the lyrical embellishments added by more recent artists and therein lies it's power. It is a spiritual statement free from any extraneous gingerbreading and is a clear example of the Blues as an American art form at its purest.
Does this make it the Song of the Day? Well, with my recent posting habits let's make it the latest in Some of My Favorite Music so I don't feel compelled to post a song daily..