- Once when John Kerry was looking around his expression said "I remember working to get a better seat than this."
- The Bush Twins are bordering on hot. At least above luke warm.
- Maybe I missed it, but I don't recalling hearing who the designated survivor was today.
- My goodness, it was good to see Chief Justice Rehnquist at the ceremony! And he looked pretty good, too. Even Peter Jennings thought so.
- There was a nice bit of spontaneous applause from the non-dais attendees when the president said "fellow citizens" as part of his greetings. The voice of the people in action.
- Nice speech, Mr. President. "The survival of Liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of Liberty in other lands." The capital L's are mine, but I wasn't the only one to notice this particular line. It was featured on most of the news broadcasts I caught.
- On the whole it was 2064 words by my count.
- Some of "The Singing Senators" had a few songs featured. Too bad.
- The direction signs for visitors to the National Mall looked disturbingly like the Department of Homeland Security's color-coded alert guide.

Alert Level or Direction Sign?