Religion shows no political bias
The United States of America was founded by and continues to be governed by men and women of God. There can be no separation of Church and State when the very principles of the latter are rooted in the former and so long as we stick to the intent of the Constitution's instruction that the government shall not establish a religion. To wit, consider the following:
In a letter to his wife, Abigail, then-president John Adams wrote about the still unfinished Executive Mansion and added "I pray to heaven to bestow the best of blessings on this house, and all that shall hereafter inhabit it. May none but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof" (November 1800). Conservatives today are often identified with such sentiments and, indeed, some point to a strong showing by conservative Christians in the last two elections to put George W. Bush, a man in the same religious and political mold as Adams, into office.
But then many who have served in our nation's office have been of strong faith even if this trait was not widely known. For example, one seldom considers this aspect of Franklin D. Roosevelt. By turns he was the polar opposite of Adams -- politically liberal, unfaithful to his wife, and of poor health yet deemed to be vigorous. Then by turns they were rather alike -- war-time presidencies, widely considered to be intellectually top-notch, and both attempted to politically imbalance the judiciary.
Where they are most similar takes us back to the prayer Adams wrote about 100 years before Roosevelt. The latter was so impressed with it that he had the words inscribed above the fireplace in the State Dining Room.
If you forget your foundations you forget who you are. You cease to be the progeny of those that came before and become something entirely different. Does this mean that atheists and agnostics are not Americans? No, because our nation was built on the Judeo-Christian ethic of tolerance and love. If only those who did not know God would tolerate those of us that do, then America would be a better place.