Look at the Daily Devotional from In Touch Ministries for today: "If you believe that God might be leading you in a certain direction, take the time to earnestly seek His mind on the matter, and open your heart to listen to Him."
So what made me leave work early today? Was it my annual Feelin'-Blue-'Cuz-it's-Lydia's-Birthday festival? That was my first thought. I've seldom managed to work more than a few hours on July 16th in some 8 years. Was it that I have the Harry Potter book and wanted to read it? Nah ... otherwise I wouldn't have taken a nap. Could it have been that Elderly Neighbor Betty would call me with a dire a health crisis without thinking if anyone else was available (and she never would have called 911 without having a gun put to her head)? Yes, I think Our Father was leading me.
Normally when I come home unexpectedly I just assume she'll notice since she has this amazing ability to "know" exactly when I've just gotten comfortable with a snack and a favorite TV program. But today I called her when I got home. Then 4 hours later she called me. Turns out that she was probably just severely dehydrated and scared stiff from the lightning that was striking within rock-throwing distance, but nonetheless she was in quite some distress. I stayed a few hours to get her calmed and back moving around then went out to get her some Gatorade and a cordless phone to carry with her and sat with her a while longer.
Before I went out I was struck with an urgent need to pray with her and for her. Much like when my Aunt Ginny passed, I was brought to my knees and prayed more eloquently than I know I'm capable of doing as if someone else was giving me the words. Betty and I were both moved.
I've often said that our ancestors were much more in-tune with the natural rhythms of life, much like people in this era occasionally notice they don't really need an alarm clock if they know they must awaken at a certain time. Could it be that Adam and Eve were naturally in-tune with God's will, but this gift was "forgotten" during the Fall? Is it something that we can get back just by earnestly seeking to know His wisdom? I certainly think so and I praise the Lord every time I remember this lesson. Now, If I only I could more often remember on my own life would be much, much simpler.
Go, Fishy! Go!