"What the heck was I thinking?!?" #345 in a Series
MSNBC.com reports that "A woman who told police she wanted to be a 'cool mom' pleaded guilty to sexual assault charges Monday for having sex with high school boys at parties where authorities said she supplied drugs and alcohol."
My high school Theater Arts teacher did much the same thing the one year she taught. Of course, being an outcast geek I didn't know about this until near the end of the school year. Funny, the only thing I can remember her teaching me is that Morning Thunder tea was a great wake-me-up in the mornings. Fortunately that was never given as homework so I didn't have to find out what it was.
Actually, I'm quite surprised that Vanity didn't make it into the list of Top Seven Deadly Sins. It has to be Satan's favorite. Think what vanity makes us do:
- Spend exuberant amounts of money on clothes, make-up, and hair care products. Guess I'm caught in the latter. The $1.99 shampoo/conditioner combo was traded in for the $2.99 shampoo, the conditioner of the same price, and a $3.50 leave-in conditioner spray. Hey! I'm growin' a pony tail here! But my clothes will forever remain frumpy and unkempt.
- Buy ridiculously impractical cars to impress others. This primarily affects males after the age of 40 years, but there's a reason for the stereotype of hot blonde chicks in convertibles. My screaming yellow Ford Focus is in no way being middle-age crazy jus because I bought it when I turned ... er ... 40.
- Waste time primping and preening. Okay, since I've started letting my hair grow long I've been keeping a hairbrush in my car.
- Stay at home, avoiding social contact because of Appearance Deficit Disorder. It's often justified by "There's something really good on TV" or "I'm just not up to it" -- whatever "it" is. Can't say I've done this, but I know people who have. I avoid social contact because people don't like me, not because of my looks. Sure, there are folks who do like me, but do I want to hang out with the same 4 or 5 people all the time? Actually, I am going out on the infrequent date or two. But I do like going places with people. Gotta work on this one.
- Hang out with the "cool" crowd so you can feel "cool," too, even if you aren't having any fun. No, not my style at all. I may be shallow in many ways, but not like this.