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15 October 2005 

The End is Nigh?

Official: Preventing Pandemic Impossible - "U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt was wrapping up a fact-finding mission Saturday in the region hardest-hit by bird flu. He said his tour of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam has painted a clearer picture of just how daunting it would be to identify and contain an outbreak if the virus mutates to a form easily spread among people. It could skip across borders and oceans, killing millions and crippling entire nations." (Yahoo! News)
Pandemics, and earthquakes, and hurricanes, oh my!
It all makes one wonder if The End is nigh!

This stuff must be driving the apocalyptic crowd nuts. I'm fairly confident that we are in or very near The End Times, but I'm not worried for two reasons. One, the Bible tells us that all will happen in God's time. That means all the prophecies in ever made won't tell us when to expect the highly-expected. Two, I know where I'm going when the spam hits the fan. Do you?

As a side note, maybe we could prevent bird flu if we knew how it was transmitted. I hope someone out there is researching this. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as I always say.

For your consideration:
NY Times "Fatal Bird Flu Strain Is Confirmed in Romania"
BBC News "Avian flu Q&A"
MSNBC "Drug-resistant bird flu found in Vietnam girl"

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  • I'm CC Hunt
  • From Between UNH & USM of late., United States
  • Romans 7:15 in some fashion or other defines it all, be it my career, loves, family, or whatever.
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