"The Simpsons television series has used many interesting words and phrases over the years, the most famous of which is Homer's saying: 'D'oh!', which is referred to in scripts, as well as several episode names, as 'annoyed grunt'. D'oh is now listed in the Oxford English Dictionary and even in smaller ones such as OUP's one volume Oxford Dictionary of English (second edition).
The Simpsons has coined some new words and phrases, popularized some existing words and phrases, and also used some existing words and phrases in new ways. " (Wikipedia)
One of my favorite "words" is really the phrase "worst (insert target of derision here) ever!" I think about it often but seldom use it. However, while I was creating this post Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the 1992 movie) was on TV and a scene with Paul Reubens made me think "worst death scene ever!" Really, though, the scene is so bad it is hilarious. That's the best part of Simpsonspeak -- it is sooooo flexible.
Sorry for the spoiler, there. But to make up for it, click here to look into the rumors of a Simpsons movie.